Conscious Parenting

Good afternoon to everyone that might happen upon this,

I am on day 21 of the 66 day challenge and the group that I joined with Robin Sharma on mindvalley, will join me in two days from today. I will then have two numbers to then figure out, what day I will be on with them and what day with myself.

I listened to this wonderful woman yesterday talk on the mindvalley app about the art of conscious parenting, her name is: Dr. Shefali Tsabary

The things that she discussed were:

  • Material freedom, freeing your mind verses freeing your senses
  • Emotional detachment, being the observer of the character that you are in the story of life and pushing pause like as if on a movie.
  • Individual empowerment, that the suffering that you feel inside you, can be changed.

Information from her was very juicy!

Until next blog,

prism love~

Money and Time

Greetings to everyone today,

I have been listening to this wonderful book by Jen Sincero, called “You are a Badass at Making Money.” This book is so effortlessly engaging and yummy.  I started it for assessing where I was at with money and my relationship to it.

I realized that one thing I had learned inadvertently from my parents while growing up was:  “You have to slave away to get money day and night.”

When I was younger, I watched while my dad not only worked day shifts, but very regularly, he would (what we knew as kids, come to know well), was called by him, “pulling an all nighter.”  Having my dad do this on a regular basis, caused a sense in me that I could never ever be done working and if you stop working you are only on a break. 

I saw this pattern repeated by my mother when one day while working, I asked her simply, “mom, when do we get to be done cleaning?” She replied, “work is never done, I will always be able to find jobs for you to do.”  I got discouraged at hearing that because what then was the point of working quickly, especially if you never get to be done; which also began the thought of, “what you do will never be enough!” 

Now I know my well meaning parents never meant for me to learn, that what I did was never enough or that I needed to slave away day and night for money, but that was exactly what I took away from those experiences… until now.

I have changed that belief/mindset with myself, because it didn’t serve me anymore.

Slaving away for anything, is not my cup of tea, nor the reality that I want for myself. Taking all that time in consideration too? All day and all night?!? That’s a lot of time!

I know that I am diligent and wise with my time and I know the difference of slavery versus mastery.

I am not a slave, besides, I choose to be the master versus the slave.

Being the master of something, means to me that I’m smart and wise in that area.

In thinking about it that way, I wouldn’t want to make time my slave or money my slave either.

No thing and no one ever deserves to be a slave!

There is a connection here with time and money. Their energy is a lot alike. It’s like their holding hands.

I master my time, I therefore master my money.

I value my time.

I value my money.

I master what I measure.

I master how I distribute my time.

I master how I distribute my money.

I increment my time for things in a schedule, therefore, I increment my money for things in a schedule.

I do not spend all my time in one area. I do not spend all my money in one area. I spread out and find time for things that I value.

In the same way, I spread out my money and find money for things that I value.

Time is money, money is time

I find the time, I find the money

I master time and money

I value time and money

I measure time and money

I distribute time and money

I increment time and money

I schedule time and money

I spread out time and money

I find time and money

I give time and money

I receive time and money

I know time and money

I love time and money

I cherish time and money

I appreciate time and money

I’m thankful for time and money

I work with time and money

I breathe time and money

I see the time

I see the money

I hear the time

I hear the money

I taste the time

I taste the money

I feel the time

I feel the money

I sense the time

I sense the money

I honor time and money

I am friends with time and money!!

I see the value and worth in myself, my time, my money.

I’m wise with my time, I am wise with my money.

I am diligent with my time, I am diligent with my money.

Time and money were created by this world to make sense of it. To measure things, to track things.

The energy of time and money was created by the people, for the people.

Money and time was created by people for me to track and measure!

To see growth and patterns!

I love seeing growth and patterns!

I love this energy that people created!

I am great at working with and having fun with this energy!

Thank you people for seeing that we needed these tools for:

Our fun in tracking,

In seeing our growth,

In taking measurement,

and in noticing patterns!

We needed to have these things even more seen and visible, to bring clarity to all subjects, to bring perspectives to all areas wanting to be seen and known!

I love feeling seen, I love feeling known. In the same way, I can use these awesome tools to feel seen and to feel known.

With these tools of time and money, I can use these to support myself in seeing and knowing myself!

When I find special time for myself or special money for myself, it always feels good!

I love to find out what I give importance to as well, so in watching where I spend my time and money. I can then find out what is important to me.

I love that!!!!!

I am so grateful for these things we call:

Time and money.

Money and time.

Time and money.

Money and time.

Time and money.

Money and time.

Wow, that was fun! I loved writing that out and figuring out how I purpose to think about time and money

Signing out,

Have a wonderful day everyone  😊


Good Morning All,

This is my day six of my 66 day quest and I am loving it!!!!!   I feel so energized right now!!!!

I just got done doing the best meditation EVER!!!!! I found it on you tube and it is titled as “manifestation meditation – a guided meditation by Paul Babin.”  I loved it so much from yesterday and had it had me in tears by the end of it; I’m feeling so much emotion today!

 I thought, let’s see if listening to the same meditation today, will do the same thing as yesterday.   OMG!!!  It was a different feeling and yet still fucking amazing!!!!!!!   I was bauling my eyes out again, literally thanking my tears for being awesome at the end of it.   Then, I got on my computer and started typing and this came out:

“My heart space is so fucking magical!  I love, love, love my entire being!!!!  I posess all abundant joy that overflows to the world and everything in it!   I know the essence of my heart… I can feel my soul and my inner child in this live experience that I am having at this precise moment in time. I feel so blessed to know myself now and I am so grateful for every moment that has brought me here!!!!   Thank you to the love that I am and will be.  Thank you for the breath that is me, that breaths me.  I can feel my gentle, ever so gentle presence enveloping my skin on my body.  It is so natural for me to live this exquisite life.

          I am life itself!!!! I am knowing. I love to be in myself, inside of that space that Is infinite mind and  blow kisses and feel the awareness that I am.  I posess all knowledge and love for myself and humanity – hue. Hue, the color, the colors of my every spectrum on every level, omg! Me, I love shining my love everywhere!!!”

          So yeah, talk about life changing.  I would love to know how you feel after doing that meditation.   I subscribed right away to his channel and found out that he sang a song on a guitar in a different upload that was totally from his heart.  I love that!

Have a great day all,  😃

Signing out~

New Shoes

Namaste All,

Today is day 4 of the 66 day program, I am still on track even though I had a headache yesterday.  I had the wonderful opportunity to teach my first Foot Zone Therapy/Self-Massage class, right before my friend taught yoga.  I am so glad that there were only two people there, it was great to practice on a small group to test the waters.  I felt the 30 minutes that I had to teach it, was too little of time to get a lot of information in and to give the time needed to each foot.  It feels really good to know for next time.

,        When my friend Louisa was teaching the class after I was finished, she said something that truly helped me, something that I will always remember.  So in taking her class before, I had noticed that she would sigh a deep sigh with her voice and release her breath in a way that was very noticeable to me.  I had just figured that she was just doing that because whatever move that she did, felt good to her body.  It kind of reminded me of someone getting a great massage and how they would sound if the right points would be touched and pressed, to feel like heaven.

        During the class she told us that the reason behind a deep sigh with adding voice to it, was because it is a very cleansing sound for the body to make and to hear.  That giving a voice as a relief/release noise, was a relief/release in your body as well.  This, she explained, was part of a healing process that could be chosen for you if it felt good for you to do that.  There are always so many ways to heal as we all know and if it resonates with you, it’s more than likely a great direction for you.  I loved learning that great technique 😊

        While I was writing in my gratitude journal this morning (which contains more than just gratitude), my daughter Victoria approached me about running shoes, she needed them for track. Yesterday my other daughter, Love, approached me as well, saying that she had needed a pair of new shoes too!  She outgrew her last pair.  At first, part of me was very resistant to the thought of buying new shoes and waiting until I had more cash.  I was feeling fear that there wouldn’t be enough for other things if I went ahead to get the shoes.  I knew that I had enough money to buy them both the shoes that they needed and here was this thought of not having enough, staring me in the face.  

        As I was processing this, Victoria was still looking at me wanting an answer,  I replied, “Victoria, the shoes you need…well, I can try, but I have other bills too.”  She nodded and thanked me, then walked out of my sacred journaling place, slowly and quietly.  I knew that she knew, I had other bills!  So why did I need to remind her of that?!!   RRRRGH!  FUCK, was what I was feeling now.  I felt that I had blown my chance to let her know that all is well and her shoes will be on there way to her and how exciting it will be to shop for some yummy shoes with her.  As a mom, I so want to create a faith within them to know that no matter what things look like, as far as money goes, there is always plenty and more than enough for all our needs and desires. And if we want something, we can always imagine with a creative mind and that puts us in the right place emotionally to receive that.

        Then, I knew just in that moment what I could do differently.  I called her back in my special sacred place to tell her the thought that I was choosing now.  “Victoria, I want to tell you that just a moment ago I was choosing to flow with my fear, allowing fear to make a final decision about not having enough money to buy you awesome shoes, I didn’t like how that felt and I want to make a different choice.  I want to say everything that I just said to you, all different.” 

She said, “okay.”  I continued, “Victoria, thank you for bringing to my attention, the fact that you need new shoes for track. I also remembered that your sister love just let me know yesterday that she needs a pair too.  I have more than enough funds to get you both really great shoes, so that you can both feel great and while running, you can feel absolutely supported.  How about after school we all go and get some shoes for you both?  Would you like that?”  With such a beautiful smile that came across her face just then, I knew she liked my choice in choosing trust, faith and love for her.  She answered back, “I would love that, that sounds fun.”

It was fun to feel fear and then choose love.  I feel that slowing down was key to noticing what had happened.  I believe from now on I will slow down even more and give my heart time to process through the fear so that right away I can have a love response next time.

Thank you all for listening,

~prism love~

Let’s do this!

Good morning everyone,

It’s March 10th 2019, I have writing on my heart, so I will start now.  Today, I got up on “day two” of a 66 day quest by Robin Sharma

I found him on the app called “mindvalley”

For those of you that have no idea what mindvalley is; it is a place to grow your spirit and mind, as well as creating in your body, your best self.
A man named VIshen Lakhiani is the founder and he is a teacher on his app as well as so many more keynote amazing leaders of our time.

I wanted to be the best version of myself and the 66 day quest is what stuck out to my heart to get involved in. The quest with a community of people, starts on march 31st, 2019. I really wanted to start doing the things that were already talked about. So I’m doing my best to start now on what I understand, so when the day rolls around to start with everyone else, I will have practiced a lil bit before hand, then, I feel that I will be able to take advantage of more support, which will be amazing!

Some of the elements of the quest for those of you that are itching to know, is the

*The 5 A.M. Club

(all that means is waking up at that time)

*The 20/20/20 Rule

(20 minutes you break a sweat, next 20 minutes are spent journaling about what you are grateful for and other things like honoring your emotions on paper.  The last 20 minutes is spent learning something, whether it is a  book or podcast, etc. etc.)

*The 60 Minute Student

(Everyday committing to spend 60 minutes to learn something)

*The 90/90/1 Rule

(90 minutes of uninterrupted time of your work day, focusing on your single biggest opportunity to own your industry and to influence humanity; 90 days of doing this, for 90 minutes, focusing on that 1 thing)

Robin Sharma was saying that if you focus on one thing verses a million things, you start to hone into what needs to happen and it will get done.  Robin is also going to teach us more on what he calls “heartset” and “mindset”.

I was just asking my heart yesterday how to get started on this 90/90/1 rule and what I could do during that space in my day.  Blogging was the idea that came for me to do.  So, that is my plan.

 I work from home right now, giving massages and working to clear stagnant energy for people, waking up their inner muse and finding ways to open their heart, so that it is easier to hear and see with.

Influencing humanity with writing some things down and trusting that I am following my heart, that is my practice as well, so, here we go 😊

According to Robin Sharma my assets are: my mental focus, my physical energy, and my willpower. He talks about how these things along with the specific 90/90/1 ritual, it allows you to harness your inner genius!

He said, in order to succeed, we all need to  build this bubble of TOTAL focus around us!!!! The keys to building a secure bubble around you means:

1. No distractions

2. No noise

3. No news

4. No energy vampires

5. No toxic people

He also says, “you get to be distracted or you can be legendary, but you don’t get to do both.”

So far, I have checked my emails already and then I remembered “The Bubble” and thought, “OMG, I need to focus again!!!”

This is kind of reminding me right now of what happens inside of any meditation ritual.  As soon as my focus floats away from me, I need to retrieve it and start over again.  Not that I am starting the 90 minute timer over again, but my focus is starting over again. I can see that this whole writing thing is going to be like that a little bit. Which is just fine, my daughters kitten at one point already started chewing on my laptop computer that I am on right now. So I took the time to put little Clara kitten down with her mommy. Then of course, I felt that I needed to get Victoria some fluids because she wasn’t feeling the best. So after all that, yes my focus is back yet again and I do feel proud about my new found practice.  A work in progress for sure! Yay!