Questionnaire For The Boss
When you live from your true nature, you begin to express yourself with your personal direction of what you love and what you are passionate about.
Then you see it mirrored back to you in every area of your life.
If something in your day to day bothers you, it is a sign that there is something within yourself that needs direct attention. Giving yourself the attention that is needed, will not only validate what needs to be validated: it will also remedy the very thing, that at one time was a trigger for you. At that point, you will be able to move past the blocks of stagnated energy and live with free flowing energy.
You will feel fulfilled, because of the growth within. You will feel the passion of your
true nature come forward, as you live out your purpose. This is when your job can feel like creative play or fun.
Let’s have a closer look into the self, shall we? Here we have some questions listed for you to answer, to help you bring your best self to your company.
- List three ideas to have better communication between the staff and yourself.
____________________________________________________________________________ - With your last answers, convert in mirror form, how you can have better communication with yourself?
____________________________________________________________________________ - List five ways you show compassion to your staff and clientele.
____________________________________________________________________________ - Convert answers in mirror form, for yourself, ideas on compassion for you.
____________________________________________________________________________ - What are 5 things that you can start to delegate out, that you are doing right now?
- 1 ._________________________________________________________________________
- 2.________________________________________________________________________
- 3._________________________________________________________________________
- 4._________________________________________________________________________
- 5._________________________________________________________________________
6. On each of the items in question 5, calibrate the amount of time that would be spent on each thing, to find out how much time that you would be gaining back after delegating those things out.
Total Time Amount Here:___________________________
7. What are some of the boundaries that you have set with your staff, in the past, that has worked for you?
8. Correlate how those same boundaries came from within yourself on a very personal level.
9. What are some simple ways to give your time more value within yourself on a personal level?
10. How do you see this valuing of your time, extended to your company?
11. With your fellow shareholders of the company, in what ways does your vision align with them for the company?
12. With your fellow shareholders of the company, how are you all moving forward together as a team?
13. Do you feel any resistance on question 12? __________________________________
14. If so, why?
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
15. If Question 14 needs to see a change, what steps can be implemented for that change?
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________________
16. In your personal life, what feels Messy / Icky / Disorganized?
17. What creative ways can you come up with, to help with items 1-5?
18. How will these things correlate to your company?
Final Thoughts for the best working relationship between you and your staff:
What you see in someone as far as their responses to others are, is always an indicator to how they respond to themselves. If their behavior isn’t working for you and your company, and you still desire to work with them; an idea is to sit them down and share with them about how the treatment of themselves on a very personal level is showing up in areas of the company, in correlation to how they respond to others.
From there, ask them if they are willing to work on their growth on a personal level, to notice how they can treat themselves with more love and kindness. By working on themselves personally, to correct these issues that are apparent.; both of you can develop a plan of action and create a common ground of unity. All the while inspiring the change that you wish to see.
If they aren’t willing to work on themselves and move forward with your leadership in developing their internal growth; then you can let them know that you are setting a boundary with them (unless you already have a boundary in this area) of only working with people that put a certain amount of energy into their personal growth everyday, that you feel is satisfactory to you, for the growth for your company.
True growth of any company is inspired by the personal growth of the people in it. From there, you can release the people that are not on the same page as you are and happily look forward to working with the people that do use their energy to put their best selves forward; to add value to their lives in such a way, to then naturally add to the companies growth.