Let’s do this!

Good morning everyone,

It’s March 10th 2019, I have writing on my heart, so I will start now.  Today, I got up on “day two” of a 66 day quest by Robin Sharma http://robinsharma.com.

I found him on the app called “mindvalley” http://mindvalley.com

For those of you that have no idea what mindvalley is; it is a place to grow your spirit and mind, as well as creating in your body, your best self.
A man named VIshen Lakhiani is the founder and he is a teacher on his app as well as so many more keynote amazing leaders of our time.

I wanted to be the best version of myself and the 66 day quest is what stuck out to my heart to get involved in. The quest with a community of people, starts on march 31st, 2019. I really wanted to start doing the things that were already talked about. So I’m doing my best to start now on what I understand, so when the day rolls around to start with everyone else, I will have practiced a lil bit before hand, then, I feel that I will be able to take advantage of more support, which will be amazing!

Some of the elements of the quest for those of you that are itching to know, is the

*The 5 A.M. Club

(all that means is waking up at that time)

*The 20/20/20 Rule

(20 minutes you break a sweat, next 20 minutes are spent journaling about what you are grateful for and other things like honoring your emotions on paper.  The last 20 minutes is spent learning something, whether it is a  book or podcast, etc. etc.)

*The 60 Minute Student

(Everyday committing to spend 60 minutes to learn something)

*The 90/90/1 Rule

(90 minutes of uninterrupted time of your work day, focusing on your single biggest opportunity to own your industry and to influence humanity; 90 days of doing this, for 90 minutes, focusing on that 1 thing)

Robin Sharma was saying that if you focus on one thing verses a million things, you start to hone into what needs to happen and it will get done.  Robin is also going to teach us more on what he calls “heartset” and “mindset”.

I was just asking my heart yesterday how to get started on this 90/90/1 rule and what I could do during that space in my day.  Blogging was the idea that came for me to do.  So, that is my plan.

 I work from home right now, giving massages and working to clear stagnant energy for people, waking up their inner muse and finding ways to open their heart, so that it is easier to hear and see with.

Influencing humanity with writing some things down and trusting that I am following my heart, that is my practice as well, so, here we go 😊

According to Robin Sharma my assets are: my mental focus, my physical energy, and my willpower. He talks about how these things along with the specific 90/90/1 ritual, it allows you to harness your inner genius!

He said, in order to succeed, we all need to  build this bubble of TOTAL focus around us!!!! The keys to building a secure bubble around you means:

1. No distractions

2. No noise

3. No news

4. No energy vampires

5. No toxic people

He also says, “you get to be distracted or you can be legendary, but you don’t get to do both.”

So far, I have checked my emails already and then I remembered “The Bubble” and thought, “OMG, I need to focus again!!!”

This is kind of reminding me right now of what happens inside of any meditation ritual.  As soon as my focus floats away from me, I need to retrieve it and start over again.  Not that I am starting the 90 minute timer over again, but my focus is starting over again. I can see that this whole writing thing is going to be like that a little bit. Which is just fine, my daughters kitten at one point already started chewing on my laptop computer that I am on right now. So I took the time to put little Clara kitten down with her mommy. Then of course, I felt that I needed to get Victoria some fluids because she wasn’t feeling the best. So after all that, yes my focus is back yet again and I do feel proud about my new found practice.  A work in progress for sure! Yay!

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