Namaste All,
Today is day 4 of the 66 day program, I am still on track even though I had a headache yesterday. I had the wonderful opportunity to teach my first Foot Zone Therapy/Self-Massage class, right before my friend taught yoga. I am so glad that there were only two people there, it was great to practice on a small group to test the waters. I felt the 30 minutes that I had to teach it, was too little of time to get a lot of information in and to give the time needed to each foot. It feels really good to know for next time.
, When my friend Louisa was teaching the class after I was finished, she said something that truly helped me, something that I will always remember. So in taking her class before, I had noticed that she would sigh a deep sigh with her voice and release her breath in a way that was very noticeable to me. I had just figured that she was just doing that because whatever move that she did, felt good to her body. It kind of reminded me of someone getting a great massage and how they would sound if the right points would be touched and pressed, to feel like heaven.
During the class she told us that the reason behind a deep sigh with adding voice to it, was because it is a very cleansing sound for the body to make and to hear. That giving a voice as a relief/release noise, was a relief/release in your body as well. This, she explained, was part of a healing process that could be chosen for you if it felt good for you to do that. There are always so many ways to heal as we all know and if it resonates with you, it’s more than likely a great direction for you. I loved learning that great technique 😊
While I was writing in my gratitude journal this morning (which contains more than just gratitude), my daughter Victoria approached me about running shoes, she needed them for track. Yesterday my other daughter, Love, approached me as well, saying that she had needed a pair of new shoes too! She outgrew her last pair. At first, part of me was very resistant to the thought of buying new shoes and waiting until I had more cash. I was feeling fear that there wouldn’t be enough for other things if I went ahead to get the shoes. I knew that I had enough money to buy them both the shoes that they needed and here was this thought of not having enough, staring me in the face.
As I was processing this, Victoria was still looking at me wanting an answer, I replied, “Victoria, the shoes you need…well, I can try, but I have other bills too.” She nodded and thanked me, then walked out of my sacred journaling place, slowly and quietly. I knew that she knew, I had other bills! So why did I need to remind her of that?!! RRRRGH! FUCK, was what I was feeling now. I felt that I had blown my chance to let her know that all is well and her shoes will be on there way to her and how exciting it will be to shop for some yummy shoes with her. As a mom, I so want to create a faith within them to know that no matter what things look like, as far as money goes, there is always plenty and more than enough for all our needs and desires. And if we want something, we can always imagine with a creative mind and that puts us in the right place emotionally to receive that.
Then, I knew just in that moment what I could do differently. I called her back in my special sacred place to tell her the thought that I was choosing now. “Victoria, I want to tell you that just a moment ago I was choosing to flow with my fear, allowing fear to make a final decision about not having enough money to buy you awesome shoes, I didn’t like how that felt and I want to make a different choice. I want to say everything that I just said to you, all different.”
She said, “okay.” I continued, “Victoria, thank you for bringing to my attention, the fact that you need new shoes for track. I also remembered that your sister love just let me know yesterday that she needs a pair too. I have more than enough funds to get you both really great shoes, so that you can both feel great and while running, you can feel absolutely supported. How about after school we all go and get some shoes for you both? Would you like that?” With such a beautiful smile that came across her face just then, I knew she liked my choice in choosing trust, faith and love for her. She answered back, “I would love that, that sounds fun.”
It was fun to feel fear and then choose love. I feel that slowing down was key to noticing what had happened. I believe from now on I will slow down even more and give my heart time to process through the fear so that right away I can have a love response next time.
Thank you all for listening,
~prism love~